Within the different design issues is one particular has become very clear: the object of design. Throughout history we have seen it previously considered design has changed, that what is considered cosmetic and is not that what appeared to be a really good methodology is not sufficiently rigorous to call a method. There are a myriad of changes that the designer must take into account to develop and complement concepts that may have been on the air. One is the field concerning the design.
Gui Bonsiepe us an account of the changes undergone in the course design projecting from the 50's through today. Passing the decades, designers we are left with a label that would never have a bigger picture that the field of aesthetics and therefore our ability to create a method capable of supporting our work was virtually nil. It is at this point one must ask: what if there were no aesthetic?. We know it is absolutely necessary, but its design as a design element has been degraded due to the lack, in many cases, functional content. Despite this, in some cases have reached the point where the function is no longer so important, but merely aesthetic, it is being manipulated as a seller of a product.
In this regard, we propose a scheme Bonsiepe ontological they differ in three important areas to consider in any design: user, action and pan. The relationship between these three parties will form an interface. It does not refer to an object but a space in which the human body, tool and action in order to interact. Thus we come to the area to which the design is oriented: the interface. But why is said that the interfaces are our object of study?, Can we not take up that issue aesthetics that both spoke a moment ago and save all the other elements? Yes you can, but then the lack of survey we become artists, and is precisely what the designer has attempted to clarify and differentiate mainly after so many years.
" The interface is the design theme " said Gui Bonsiepe, trying to explain the differences between engineering and design. I think this is a very important point that needs further study. The user has to be the person we need to explore to find the difficulties that may occur as they interact with their surroundings, use, functionality and efficiency within the scope sociocultural it is concerned with the designer. Artifacts are objects that permit effective action and therefore are part of the study object. I could not speak without thinking about designing the user interaction with the other elements will, why?, It turns out that whenever we are in environments that communicate something where we look for different purposes, whether for education, action, fun, comfort, or what we need. The design is in all these aspects and more. On this point there is something interesting mentioned Bonsiepe: everything is design? No, " not all design and designers not all." He explains that this term refers more While the potential of designer who can have someone within their discipline. I agree with this argument, however, believe that only the person has potential as a designer but the things around us if designed well or poorly designed but are, in my opinion could say that "almost all" is design, I have not stopped to think carefully about the exceptions, however, this essay is not concerned with the depth on this topic.
Gui Bonsiepe speaks of design as "a phenomenon theoretically unexplored land," a domain without foundation. " I look very sharp these assertions, and you are not taking into account work by other authors explored, although not fully achieved the precision sought in the methodology, we did it a start in the field of design theory. Do not think we should underestimate that and began work as the vast majority of which are now called science.
The author also speaks of seven characteristics or thesis on the design, which I said a little, however, I will list for better understanding:
- The design is a domain that can be manifested in all fields human activity.
- The future is the main area of \u200b\u200bthe design.
- is innovative, takes care of the needs of users.
- Every design is to target the human body
- points to effective action.
- indicates the scope of reference and evaluation criteria.
- The interface is the main theme of the design.
In these seven points Bonsiepe summarizes what is explained in reading "The seven columns design." I said some of the points that caught my attention more. I would just like to end with a look that I think is the most important: the interface relates to humans and their environment. This means that as designers our job is to find ways to facilitate the contact between people and their context. Brizuela Professor told us about a funny thing: we are the only person who needs to build something to protect their own environment, almost as if we belonged to this world. It is easy to refute this argument, however, if there a problem of interaction between humans and their environment, designers would not have an object of study.
Bonsiepe, Gui. interface design, object to the interface: mutations design. Ediciones Infinito, Buenos Aires, 1999.