This time Chio discussed the assigned reading: The seven columns of the design Bonsiepe Gui. Initially, the professor made a remark about how in which we understand a reading, rarely do we truly begin to analyze who speaks, who is presenting, what he is talking and in what context it is located. It was interesting that we did these questions because it was an issue that had previously addressed in another class . Regarding
reading Bonsiepe talks about how the meaning of design has changed through history. Projecting above the discourse revolved around issues of productivity, rationalization and estadarización. Industral production model was the theoretical reference.
Moreover, the design came to quite late in the field of business administration and management. Remained on the sidelines because it is a phenomenon that goes beyond the traditional categories of administrative planning and engineering. Also judged the industrial design as a cosmetic item, which only was involved in the implementation of projects superfluous ornaments from office development techniques, however, industrial design is not the same as the drawing.
In turn, the aesthetic aspects are very important for many people. The survival of entire companies can rely on these aspects considered side. A differential scheme from the hermeneutic point of view is the design ontological scheme, which is composed of three areas:
- User or agent Task
- utensil or appliance
- .
is necessary to recall the radical critique of consumer society and the alignment produced by the accumulation of goods that were made in the 70's (socialism). At the same time, it was criticized for the first time the universal concept of the Gute Form. It gave impetus to a specific caracterÃsitcas industrial design for the Third World. The socio-economic contrast between the central and peripheral countries led to raise the validity of the definition of industrial design.
In the eighties resurfaced criticism of rationalism and functionalism. Discussions the style and form nuevamnet dominated the scene. The design should first seek fun. Not paid for a design object but a lifestyle that was made by designer-label objects designed.
Today is all about self-sustained development. Simultaneously highlights the contradiction between the spread of the term design and limits of the theory of the phenomenon. design today is a phenomenon theoretically inexplrado. design domain is so far unfounded. Gui
Bonsiepe lists seven characteristics or design thesis:
- is a domain that may manifest all fields of human activity.
- is oriented toward the future.
- Refers to innovation. The act of projecting the world brings something new.
- It refers to the body and space, especially the visual space.
- points to effective action. Linguistically
- is anchored in the field trials.
- Goes to the interaction between the user and the artifact.
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