Everyone associated with this small parcel of the hive with idleness and enjoyment. However, the life of our friendly "bug" is not so full of pleasure as expected.
I will not deny I'm the queen of my home and my drones mate with me as often as desired, but there are many other things.
Drones have their own obligations in shelters apanelados: protect the young and make trophallaxis, ie feed the bees so they can make an adequate production of honey. One must add, moreover, are always subject to the designs of the females: they can be expelled by them when require timely and valid only for achieving these purposes.
My worshiper becomes drone when it comes to cleaning the house or to please overall. Do not confuse this couple in green (see here lacĂstica input to argue the DDCs). The DDCs are specific dates, identified and its activity is much more intense. In the DDCs include "complacent science" related to internal objects (household) and external (friends, travel ... etc) they do not usually have, in general, sexual or erotic component.
in beestica However, if no sexual component (as there is between the queen and her drone) and is just chores and whims "indoor" (within our own colony).
One that I particularly like is when I ask my "adozanga" not go to the gym and do your workouts in our room. It's really exciting to see your body sweat as you bike or sit-ups in the ground. Of course that only goes dress with satin strips relevant. I am pleased to caress his body and masturbating over it while telling his series.
When I get tired, I throw the kitchen or the hall, yes, but not before preparing a good fruit juice.
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