Zuco sai um?
for Lima A viagem é of about 12 hours. Lima was a city that did not mean to stay, to get the business environment is ugly anyway, but I could not see all what I had in Lima. Upon arriving at the terminal looked in all the terminals, which was the best price until Cuzco. I bought the ticket and an Internet café just to send news. After walking out and finished within a park with museums, shopping and had one out in the "Presidential Palace" (House of Pizarro) pretty cool. Once there was a center for courses in the park were open even guess the popu lation and had poultry and guys singing! Not to mention that the same park was being written a program like Maria Braga? Hahahhaa coming schedule after lunch a "burger king thank god because my food was too healthy! The late afternoon to get off the bus cuscooo! Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeba, plus 20, 22 hours away!.
I was over half an hour looking for the names so po sso say that is blocks from the terminal!
Learning: extreme caution outside the terminal with the bags, leave the backpack in the locker, then ta-sum has to be more careful. Exchange money only at the Bank.
costs passage until Lee was 40 soles, burger king was a 7 the actual combo hahaha.
from the terminal ....