Waking up early, leave the tour to the ruins of Chan-chan, adding that chan chan the place is not the ruins (the tab was half sick of saying it) the place is amazing, for a few hours you travels in time, we have seen since the ceramic molds, dog Inca
and of course many great stories and s ruins. It's very interesting to historians and archaeologists from around the world in trabajando chan chan, many works are private and some public, in some places are reecontruindo and keeping all others are intact!. The stories are like Miles and now will not have much story then, after afternoon ended on a beautiful beach for surfers and Huancayo, May 's pretty dirty tmb ... has a pier (it has to pay) haha \u200b\u200b
a beer, an Inca Cola !
back to the hostel, dinner, sleep and go Lee the other day!
Some of the places I most wanted to go n this trip was the ruins of Chan Chan was incrbel!
recommend: English restaurant in the center of trujillo. The famous Peruvian InkaCola was more coca cola co mpr or trade mark is a drink with taste can not I descreber yellow and smell the tutifruti, refreshing, most sincerely, wacccc!
Tour: $ 17 (full day)
C omid about $ 10 (lunch and dinner)

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