Riot-Kids. No. 19. DINA-4. Madrid. € 1.50
I swear that when I caught the number 20 Riot Kids (and commented on the blog), this was not No. 19, but hey, it happened to me or not at the time, I've done with him and that is why I spend a comment. Interviews found Gonna Get Yours (Oi-Paris); Suzie 13 from Madrid (I have met recently and suggest ways the truth that these people); Vicious Rumours (classic English punk eighties), though the that I liked, I find some rather controversial statements, unexplained, especially seeing the "final blunder" that have taken on the issue of "politics", which leads me to believe that, like many other groups English, or live in the worlds of yupy and they think they are smarter than anyone, or conversely, asshole take us by sheer ignorance and are in addition to some cynics. Anyway, the group I like and as I said before, the interview is fine. Follow. After Vicious Rumours , interviews are more people like Boils With Boots (HC from Bulgaria), interesting Soother Bullet (Skinhead reggae from Japan); Never Surrender (EH), very good; to Tower Blocks German (also very interesting), and closes one to the French zine The Headliners . In addition to music and fanzines reviews, comes a story about Sharpies , a kind of proto-skins curious australino and very tacky, actually. said in criticism of Riot-Kids number 20 that his editor did not just questions about disputes within the Oi scene, but this number does mean that there ... In short, a very complete and desirable. Caught in El Lokal as follows.
- Pedro / PO Box 13212-28080 Madrid.
Streetzine Glory Days. No 3. DINA-5. Euskadi. € 2
delivery New Glory Days do not know whether more pages (think so), but the price has risen a little, it does not matter, because I think that is very complete and will better zine. Next in the line of combining individual interviews with state groups like guiris (the Germans won). Thus, we find interviews Bierpatrioten (Oi Germany); Ignotus (punk'n'roll Madrid); Cold Blood (Streetcore Madrid); Cold Revenge (Oi-Gipuzkoa) Human Lobos (horror punk from Murcia), article about the film Bad Taste ; Volxsturm (core Oi Germany); Aggressive Combat (Oi-EH); Fight Through (hc from Andalusia); bloody Donors (punk Madrid) and the I part of the history of the controversial Bohse Onkelz. The text is a translation of another text of the foreigner and is clearly meant to be a wash in the face of this group, since the test of years, is well absorbed and is followed by broad sectors and other skins antifa redskins. It remains to be read the second part, but at this early made me put it to the euphemism used to not directly call them racist ("can not argue that BO took a hostile attitude towards foreigners"), however much they end up saying it is " a fact not will be hidden here "... I have curious to read that second part, since I am just the BO and although it seems that left long ago," these hostile attitudes towards foreigners ", not the group I have a very involved we say in social (I do not know ...), and yes I have them instead as a rockstar jevis there in your country ... In all I can be right or wrong, but far less are being beaten and calling for boycotts ...
- / glory-days-streetzine
Breaking Rules. # 1. DINA-5. Euskadi. 1, 5 €
welcome the release of this new zine that doubles as a blog on the Internet (see contacts), but frankly, is that you can not read the letter so small that it takes ... (And over some of the interviews are quite extensive responses.) Gipuzkoa is done and there are things both in Castilian and Euskera. So, step by simply listing the contents above. News, events, interviews with Mary (English since 1969 ...), skingirl VonDänikens and Herri Guda, the translation of the subject of Sect Comintern "Plus Fourt that tout" Disc reviews and reviews of concerts. Notwithstanding the letter, go ahead and come over (but increasing the font size!).
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