Friday, February 2, 2007

How Can You Get Light Pink Hair

design Some design methods

This time I could not go to class and told that I should go to promote Codex 6 to a radio station and coincidentally all had class, someone had to go. However, I read my respective entitled "Review of some design methods" of Luis Rodríguez Morales.

This speaks a bit of different methods throughout history have used and supplemented. It also begins with a brief overview of major historical events from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the seventeenth century with the beginning of the separation between art and technology culminating in the nineteenth century. As the twentieth century, the Bauhaus formalizes the methods of a more objective management with the emergence of functionalism.

In 1967, the Portsmouth conference at MIT on emerging methods in environmental design and planning did highlight three main streams in the field of design methods:
  1. Using computers in the design process of the current
  2. creativity.
  3. mainstream.
then describes some of the principles driven by authors who have had more influence:

1. Christopher Jones . He started the ideas about the need for a method and the concepts of black box and clear box. In the former considers that the designer is able to produce results that you trust and often succeeds, but is unable to explain how it got there. Its features are:
  • The final design consists of past experiences.
  • Its production is accelerated by the loosening of inhibitions to creativity.
  • The ability to produce results depends on the availability of time.
  • suddenly perceived a new way of structuring the problem. Control
  • aware of the ways in which the problem structure.
The transparent box features include:
  • objectives, variables and criteria set in advance.
  • Analysis the problem completed before starting the solutions.
  • Evaluation is verbal and logical.
  • strategies established earlier.
  • strategies are linear and feedback.
Both methods result in expanding the search space of the solution to the problem of design.

2. Morriz Asimow. conceives the design process very similar to the information. Thus the project activity is "the collection, management and creative organization of information relevant to the problem situation has (...) iterative nature, is no new information or gain new understanding requires repeat previous operations. Asimow raises the following phases: Analysis
  • Assessment Synthesis
  • Optimization Decision
  • Implementation Review
can find sources of this trend in the design methods in the scientific method and theory classical information.

3. Bruce Archer - The systematic approach for designers. Published in 1963 and 1964 by the British magazine Design. Archer design proposes the following definition "... select right materials and shape them to meet the needs of function and aesthetics within the limitations of the available means of production ", therefore, the design process must include steps analytical, creative and execution, which in turn subdivided into:
  1. Problem definition and preparation of detailed program.
  2. Obtain relevant data, prepare specifications and feedback in Phase 1.
  3. Analysis and synthesis of the data to prepare design proposals.
  4. Prototype development.
  5. prepare and carry out studies and experiments to validate the design.
  6. Prepare documents for production.
This method is one of the most detailed and comprehensive published to date. Also, Archer says that the design is a science because it is a systematic search whose goal is knowledge. "

4. Hans Gugelot - Method used in school Ulm. proposes a basic methodology for the design of industrial products. Based on the principles of this methodology are given the basics of Fitness (Gute Form). The steps of this method are:
  1. of information. Collection of information.
  2. research. User needs, context, functionality, requirements.
  3. in design. Typological study, based on scientific knowledge, not inspiration.
  4. decision. Studies of cost-benefit study based technology.
  5. of calculation. Set design standards and standards of materials and production.
  6. prototype construction. Testing and evaluation.
structure obtaining the following requirements:
  • Objectives. State the function of a subcomponent, or element of design.
  • crucial parameter. Identify the relevant factor.
  • subparameter. Issues still under the control of the designer.
  • Quantification. Specifying the range of action.
5. Christopher Alexander . In his work Essay on synthesis of form, is a historical account of the methods that have been used in the design. See the need to create a truly scientific method as the existing ones are not sufficiently rigorous.

The problem is that traditional methods rely on verbal terms that correspond more to a cultural tradition as the structure of the problem. For him, the key lies in the rigorous analysis of the problem and to adapt to this structure program design and not vice versa.

We can divide the method of Alexander in 6 steps:
  • Defining the problem. By
  • a list of demands, we study the behavior of systems in context.
  • is given a trial to determine whether the solutions to one of the requirements are determined with another.
  • is analyzed and decomposed. Establishing a hierarchy of subsystems.
  • Using diagrams to find a solution to the demands.
  • diagrams are developed to achieve formal synthesis of the requirements.
considers that the context consists of: location physical, usage and manufacturing methods . In any design problem has two components: one consisting of requirements beyond the control of the designer and the other by the way the designer must adapt to the above.

6. Oscar Olea and Carlos González Lobo - Model target. basic factors in the design process are the demand, the answer given by the designer and the target satisfying. The demand is formed by: a.

Unibación. specific site where the need arises. B.
Destination. purpose of satisfying demand. C.
Economy. Assessment of available resources.

For the designer is able to provide an adequate response to demand, should drive five levels: Functional
  1. . Solutions use object-relations. Environmental
  2. . Problems in the object-physical context. Structural
  3. . Rigidity or durability of the object based on usage. Constructive
  4. . Problems encountered in mass production and its impact on the solutions to the other levels. Expressive
  5. . Aesthetic solution levels.
Diana model steps are: Setting
  1. demand.
  2. Information Organization. Defining the vector
  3. analytical problem. Definition
  4. approach. Define
  5. semantic areas related to the variable.
  6. Research Organization. Assign
  7. choice probabilities. Give a hierarchical order.
  8. Assign your cumulative factor. Set
  9. logical constraints. Rate
  10. in binary form areas of demand.
  11. Set the lower limit of the probability of choice. Skip
  12. data coding sheet.
  13. Start the process with the computer.
7. Process Layout Design - University Professors Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco. aim to develop self-awareness on the method of the process and thus ensure the correct process itself and its outcome. Its phases are:
  1. Case. Specifies both the theoretical framework and the techniques to separate lists.
  2. Problem. Relevant data collection, including the design criteria for interpretation and solution.
  3. Hypothesis. Alternatives to analyze and solve semiotic systems, functional, constructive, economic and administrative planning.
  4. Project. Total interaction with the methods and techniques of the disciplines that will be implemented in reality the design hypothesis.
  5. Realization. Supervision and direction of the material realization. Ends when it is used.
notes that there is a close relationship between this model and the scientific method.

Personally I regret not having gone to class (although many listened to the announcement of Codex 6) because it was a lot of vital information which I missed. Broadly speaking, I did understand each of the methods, however, is not the same thing to read that comment in class and listen to other opinions.


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