This class covers reading Lorenzo Vilches, The image is a text. Start giving us two versifications of semiotics:
- structuralist semiotics - produced from French and Italian studies
- pragmatic semiotics - dominated by the Anglo-Saxon area.
The notion of text is also widely theorized by textual linguistics and pragmatics that have been selected as the object of analysis. The text should be considered as the main means of communication intentions. This is a whole coherent discourse through which to carry out communication strategies.
It says the outline of the agreed intention of a speaker to communicate a message and producing an effect "(Schmidt, 1973)
Pragmatics is made in the textual language, whose object of study is the designated text the communication process. The theory of the text has as its starting point the act of communication.
If the text is recognized as a communication unit the relevant unit in semiotics is not the sign or the word, but the text. For linguistics, the text is the primary linguistic sign.
text as a place of production and interpretation of communication is a "semantic-pragmatic machine that begs to be updated in an interpretive process generation whose rules match the very rules of interpretation." (Eco, 1979)
The text comes after the oral expression: that is, the speech. Here, the text is derived from the maximum unit that determines the text. This allows you to build units of analysis, as if it were to reconstruct the grammar of a text.
is to interpret the image "as productivity," and emphasizing the iconic text properties set so as to enunciation. The text can be studied as a set of rules determine a set of discourse, semantic and syntactic representation.
From the standpoint of reading the image, a text unit can be described as a syntactic / semantic / pragmatic act is interpreted as communicative competence by the recipient. One type of model relevant textual analysis of the image in the context of mass communication must have five levels: Level
- matter of expression. Levels
- text itself of the image or visual isotopies.
- The contributions of the theory of enunciation and discourse theory.
- narrative structures.
- gender levels.
visual text production levels
1. Material production level of the image corresponds to
visual expression. The output of the image here is limited to manipulating visual materials such as colors, tones, lines and forms are still not significant. Is the material manifestation of a visual text before the substance can produce a particular form of reading.
2. Differential Expression Elements
At this level can be studied traos designed codes syntactic brand recognition and graphics, such as point, line, circle, triangle. In general, modifications recognizable forms stable but incomplete prior to the consistency that gives the unit text.
3. phrase
The reader is here with complex operations but separable. Different figures are given in the box iconographic photograph or painting.
5. Intertextual levels
All transcripts narratives can be studied as textual operations that act as multifunctional instruments. It is described as context and serves as a grammar defined by the time the reader must disambiguate the text message has before it.
6. The mechanism of topic
This speaks of the mechanisms of coherence, both productive and interpretive. It is the job of assumptions and abduction of a reader or recipient. It works also as a fixed mark of broad narrative sequences or phrases like "Start Mark", "intermediate", "final" and may be syntactic or / and pragmatic.
7. Gender as a mechanism macrotextual
update is accurate and determined in a large area of \u200b\u200bvisual texts characterized by a specific genre.
8. gender typologies
gender typologies are true social operating mechanisms of the mass media. At this level should be studied various aspects of communication strategy genres. Consistency
visual text
study the picture as a visual discourse analysis requires logical-semantic organization of isotopies to ensure consistency both in terms of expression as in the content. The concept of isotopy has been defined by Greimas as an operational conceptualization according to which it means any iteration of a semiotic unit. The game of isotopies can be established at both the content and the level of expression. The relationship established between these planes is a semiotic function.
The concept of isotopy, there are two theoretical moments: the first refers to the iterativity in a syntagmatic chain of classemes to ensure the speech-set homogeneity.
image structures
to Bertin, the elementary unit of the image is the spot, which is composed deespacio and color. The middle unit of reading is when two spots in perspective. There is a spot called encompassing support, surface or bottom. Their differences can be studied as minimum semes of spatial and color that make up a layer isotopic provide a minimum of consistency in the manifestation of visual text.
This isotopy minimum becomes the visual medium, before being "iconized", ie in a purely plastic nivle, presignificativo.
The visual text was created through negotiation between the different variables that determine the isotopy produced. An image is crossed by a complex Isotope: variables of different nature and in constant interaction. The isotopes are read in a context by a reader.
discourse coherence and relationship to the image supposed to be beyond the perceptual dimension to access the cognitive dimension. Congnoscitiva dimension of the image, in turn, is possible because through a majority of the code of perceptual similarity is given a limited contract which involved both poles of the communication.
Vilches, Lorenzo. The image is a text. reading the image. Paidos: Mexico, 1991.
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