This time we approach the reading of EH Gombrich , visual image: its place in communication. Begins narrating the fact that the image is being imposed on the written word in this event the possibilities of the image in the media are two: what can and can not do better than the spoken or written language. Karl
Buler offers three divisions of language which distinguish the functions of expression, activation and description (symptom, sign and symbol). We say that a speech act is expressive if you inform us of the speaker's mood, on the other hand, can be designed to awaken or activate a mood in the recipient. In the descriptive function, the speaker can inform another of its situation in the past, present or future, or distant observable, real or conditional logical terms this means give the message that the ability to make logical inferences (syllogisms).
visual image takes precedence in terms of deployment capability, its use for expressive purposes is problematic and generally lacks the ability to catch up expository function of language.
also remember how many things we take for granted when we look for the message in an image. It always depends on our previous knowledge of the possibilities. We can only recognize what we already know. The context must be supported by previous expectations based on tradition. When they break those links, the communication also fails.
The possibility of a correct reading of the image is governed by three variables:
* Code * Text * Context
mutual support of language and image facilitates memorization. The use of independent channels, ensuring ease of reconstruction. This is the basis of the ancient "Art of Memory."
In this reading I found a phrase that caught my attention: "The real value of the image lies in its ability to transmit a coded information that can not in any other way." Had not really thought much about it, but actually I think that failing to express the information in any other way (explicit enough) rather than in an image, making it truly functional.
information extracted from an image can be completely independent of the intention of its author. The interpretation by the author of the image must always be matched by the observer's interpretation. No image tells its own story.
We can not separate code from content. The easier it is to separate code from content, the more we rely on the image to communicate a particular type of information. A selective code that is known to be a code allows the author of the image filter certain types of information and encode only the features that are relevant to receiver. A selective representation showing its own principles of selection will be more informative than the replica.
other hand, writing is but one of several conventional forms of symbolism, meaning you have to learn to understand the sign. We can easily conditioned to respond to signs as they respond to things seen. The conventional sign can absorb the potential activation of the visual image.
The symbol conveys and conceals at the same time rather than the medium of rational discourse. The symbol has a diagrammatic aspect, ie the ability to convey relationships more quickly and efficiently than a string of words.
In communication theory are distinguished the expressive sign of the emotions of the extent of activation or description. Popular critics speak of art as communication often imply that the same emotions that give rise to the artwork are transmitted to the viewer, who in turn feels. This naive idea has been criticized by various philosophers and artists.
Gombrich, EH The visual image, its place in communication. E. Debate: Madrid, 2000.
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