In this class we talk about Stuart Hall : Encoding / Decoding . In this reading is critical to the communication model (sender-message-receiver). He raises process based on the moments of discursive production: production, circulation, distribution, consumption and reproduction, where if no meaning is acquired, there is no consumption and effect. It is also important to note that in this exchange of communication are present two important elements: the encoding and decoding.
The effect of the message, the language should appropriate the discourses that are significantly decoded. To do this involved the influence, instruction or persuasion with a complex consequence of the cognitive, emotional, ideological or behavioral problems.
was said that based on this model, in itself, but there is no recoding decoding, because the receiver built their own messages based on the acquired.
In any message intended to create an encoding and decoding to be symmetrical, that what you want to convey is interpreted in the same level as it was issued, and all this depends in part on identifying codes, for a missing correspondence leads to distortions.
The term visual codes natural and realistic is the result of a discursive practice, which does not reveal the transparency of a code, but the universality and habituation of the use of codes. Thus, "the articulation of an arbitrary sign, verbal or visual reference to the concept of the product is natural but conventional, requiring intervention and support of the codes.
language used in the terms of denotation and connotation. In the denotation is talking about the literal meaning of the sign, which confuses the comparison as reality. The connotation is used to refer to conventional and associative meanings.
In this reading used them in combination to the speech. So they are used as analytical tools to distinguish the contexts of different levels of intersection between the ideologies and discourses.
The denotative level, the codes are closed and limited, while in the connotation coded signs intersect with semantic codes of culture.
Thus it was the subject of misunderstanding or lack of effectiveness in communication. The author mentions that this is due to the lack of effectiveness in key codes or viewer favorite. We therefore must set limits and parameters in which the decoding will operate. Otherwise the viewers interpret what they wanted in a message, entering, systematically distorted communication.
Stuart Hall identifies three hypothetical positions that can be built in decoding:
- Hegemonic dominance: the observer operates within the dominant code. Coupled with this position is also the professional code, which serves to reproduce dominant definitions.
- negotiated code: there are opposing elements adapted and based on a particular logic.
- oppositional code: the viewer is able to understand the literal and connotative decoded speech but in a globally contrary.
Hall, Stuart. Encoding / Decoding . Culture, Media and Language. London: Hutchinson, 1980.
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