latter meeting, the divide in two different posts, just to make clear the issues. In the first half they talked about reading Nathan Shedroff , Information Interaction Design: A Unified True Thery of Design.

To Shedroff, interaction design information is the intersection of disciplines information design, interaction design and sensory design . The roots of information design are in advertising and graphic design, as we saw at the beginning of the course in other classes. Information design directs the organization and presentation of data: transformation into meaningful information.
Interaction Design is the creation and story Hitori, is both an ancient art and new technology. Sensory design is the use of all techniques with which we communicate with others through our senses. These can be tactile, visual, kinesthetic, auditory and olfactory.
information design
The author notes that the design of information does not replace the graphic design or any of the other visual disciplines, but it is the structure through which these capabilities are expressed. The information is not to the continued understanding. The data can be transformed into meaningful information , which in turn will become aware posteriormenete to end in a know . The data have no value until they form a complete message. To carry out this process must intervene interaction design and the creation of experiences, so it is necessary to know the audience, their needs, interests, abilities, etc.

Shedroff mentioned that with every experience we gain knowledge. It is the understanding gained through experience good or bad. The information is the stimulus of an experience while knowledge can be the understanding of the message obtained through experience. On the other hand, wisdom is a kind of "meta-knowledge" of processes and relationships gained through experience. Is the result of contemplation, evaluation, retrospection and interpretation (all are personal processes). It is an understanding which must be obtained yourself.
To transform data into information must first explore the way they are organized. The author proposes the following ways: by alphabet, by location, time, continuity, number, category or randomly . It should include indexes that organize the same but in different ways. It is also important to allow people to find things in a way that is most appropriate for the things you know you ell or the way they understand. This is because all people learn differently and have varying skills. We are also emphasizes the importance of every decision, no matter how simple or mundane, must have well defined goals and messages. The most important goal of effective communication is clarity.
Interaction Design
To Shedroff one of the most interactive is a conversation with a friend . Regarding this, one of the ways to consider the meaning of interactivity is to provide all experiences as a continuum of interactivity. What differentiates interactivity is the control that the audience has the tools or content, the ability to produce and create. Nathan Shedroff
mentioned various degrees to which you can interact: control feedback, creativity, co-creativity, productivity, communication and adaptability .

The first d levels you focus on how much control you have the hearing on the result, or type of action sequence, and how much feedback exists in the interface. Typically, highly interactive experiences offer greater levels of feedback.
The following levels are creativity, co-creativity and productivity . Creative experiences allow the user, operator or participant to or share something of themselves. Some experiences can be used more productively than others (as entertainment). Productivity is traditionally of most concern in the products business in entertainment. Co-creative technologies are those that offer help in setting up the process. Opportunities to meet others, talk to them and share their stories and personal opinions are always seen as important and interesting. Because these experiences include two or more people, also include high levels of control, feedback and adaptability. Nathan
Shedroff shows a diagram that shows the six levels. What it does is combine the feedback and control in one dimension; creativity, productivity and communication in another, and adaptation in a third dimension. This gives us a bucket , shows the general relationship between the experiences we can learn.

sensory design
Some of the disciplines involved in the sensory design are: writing, graphic design, iconography, making maps, calligraphy, tipogafĂa, illustration and theory color (graphics), photography, animation and cinematography (images) and sound design, singing and music. In the senses of taste and smell are l to perfumes and cuisine.

Finally, Nathan Shedroff explains that all the sensory details to be coordinated not only among themselves but with the project objectives and messages. An interface for an experience, whether technological, physical or conceptual, must have a message and a reason to communicate and begin with the creation of meaning and development of appropriate types of interactivity.
Personally, I found it very interesting reading, which we can retrieve many important concepts and apply them to our daily work. Mentioned something very true that a conclusion is that both information design and interaction design are disciplines very new to grow considerably depending on how to continue experimenting and creating.
Shedroff, Nathan. Unified field theory of Design . Electronic document retrieved from http://www.nathan.com/thoughts/unified
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