In the second half of This last session we approach a text by Professor Alejandro Brizuela: The 11 cognitive operations Information Design.
started talking about the object of study of information design. This has always been a source of many questions because it is so ephemeral and intangible compared to those of other disciplines. The information was not considered an object that requires full attention and a specific analysis of their problems. Brizuela
called cognitive categories to significant operations that are performed using visual interfaces. For him, these categories are meta-goals of any designer of information, which resolved to ensure the effectiveness of the interface.
These 11 categories are ranked by the level of complexity of cognitive operations:
- Organization / Hierarchy - Initial order for a first approach to perceptual and cognitive information.
- Settings - find a coherent order of the elements that make up the system (aesthetic-cognitive factors and cultural).
- id - is part of the representation belongs to the first level of meaning and serves to refer to an object or concept by means of an image.
- Description - provides information you will no judgments about the general state of things. Story
- - a fact has a temporal dimension. Instruction
- - carries instructions on how to solve a specific problem with sequential actions. Guidance
- - determines the understanding of space and its representation. It's very interactive and allows decisions. Explanation
- - allows us to understand complex situations. Try the understanding of performance, causes and effects of an object or natural phenomenon, focusing on the actions and interactive relationships. Operation
- - interface with direct feedback that allows the operation of a device through other interactive interfaces.
- Data Processing - visual interface that allows you to compare scenarios and possibilities in making decisions. Reason
- - socio-cognitive space is based on value judgments and try to convince and defend a position. This theme
Brizuela, Alejandro. The 11 cognitive operations information design. Electronic document retrieved from http://dv51201.wordpress.com/2007/04/10/operaciones-cognitivas-del-diseno-de-informacion/
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