For this session we were assigned a reading of Umberto Eco : Model Reader. In this regard, several points were discussed: we start talking about two types of texts : closed and open. The first is aimed at a target rate, someone in particular. It has a very specific focus and stimulate something. Valuation has semiotics, historical analysis and cultural bias. There is nothing more open than a closed text. In relation to open texts, as its name suggests, are open to free interpretation. Sets a limit on the cooperation vigilacia has the reader. In itself, a text you want someone to help him work.
also commented on the perception aesthetic that we apply when reading text is the first that comes, the first link between the text and reader. The role of the latter need to update a string of expressive devices. The text has no such elements, thanks to this is that the reader participates. Also, any text or message postulates a grammatical competence by the recipient, there are certain texts for readers with some knowledge or experience. Thus the reader's interpretation can become infinite.
In turn, the text foresees the reader in some respects. Competition does not always match the recipient of the issuer, to decode a message you need a diversified language proficiency and circumstantial. That's why to create a text requires a prior knowledge of possible interpretations and skills of our reader, ie a model reader able to participate in the update text. There is a choice of language, encyclopedia, lexicon and stylistic level.
The interpretation is always a estrategiadel dialectic between author and reader response model. Besides practice, Eco says that aesthetics can be a free and deliberate use of the word "certain novels become more beautiful when someone tells them, because they become 'other' novels."
The issuer and recipient of a text is present not as poles of the act of enunciation, but as actantial roles of the statement. In these cases, the author says verbatim somo as a recognizable style, a pure role as aparciĆ³n inlocutoria actantial. Author and Reader Model estrtegia construed as types of texts.
The empirical author a hypothesis Reader Model s owever, the empirical reader (real player that makes reading) must also constructed a hypothetical data Author deducting the textual strategy.
Finally, we talk about textual cooperation, which must be understood as the updating of the intent that the statement contains virtually. textual cooperation is a phenomenon that takes place between two discursive strategies, not between individual subjects. This type of cooperation concerns the ability to link strategies to the text at least polysemic possible. There are several levels to interpret the text: to identify what it is, give permission, take a code interpretation.
This reading was particularly complicated in some respects. However, I think that is an important contribution to our way of seeing the issue raised. Perhaps we have become very common to believe that our readers find our message correctly, however, as designers of information must be aware of the difficulty that occurs in the reading process.
Eco, Umberto. Model Reader. Barcelona: Editorial Lumen , 2000.
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